Wednesday, November 23, 2011

16 random things about me. More later hopefully.

Well friends, I see others doing this on their blogs so I will.  This will be totally random, and I am not sure how many things there will be.  Hope you like it.

1. I am twenty, almost twenty-one.

2. I am left handed, though, somewhat ambidextrous at times, lol.

3. I am the youngest in my family.

4. One of my very favorite things in life is anything about airplanes.

5. I eat bugs.

6. I like liver.

7. Singing is not my thing.  I used to love it, but then my voice changed when I was around 14? and it is a rare hymn that I can sing without cracking.

8. I love computers, and will be taking a programming course soon.

9. I love woodworking.  I like making little things out of wood like boxes and carved plaques.

10. I loving fixing things.  There is no sound more beautiful to me, than hearing an engine I spent hours working on, start up on the first try.

11. I am a night person.

12. In spite of the above, I get up at 4:15 AM every morning.

13. I love raising animals, and,

14. I live on a farm.

15. I love music, I going to learn to make it someday, I love piano music, I have played a dulcimer, and hopefully will get back to that soon.  My very favorite music is the really sombre majestic stuff.  Only problem I have is that it is so hard to find, guess I will have to learn to make it myself. 

16. In case you have not noticed from the content of this blog, I am a Christian.  I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and, that He died to pay the penalty for my sin. Without his forgiveness, I'd go straight to Hell.


Dani Marie said...

Good job Flame!

Lol, I never could develop a taste for liver of any kind haha. Most of it is probably psychological,(knowing what liver is and it's functions)but I just can't eat it. Have tried it though....
So you like woodwork? I've always wanted to try my hand at wood burning. I love little wooden boxes and such! I especially like wooden chests. :)
Yup, I'm totally a night person too. Always have been, probably always will! It's the time of 'day' when I get most of my inspiration and ideas!

Did you have a nice Thanksgiving? ;)

Flame of Jah said...

Here is a little thing on liver, first off, try to find some grass fed preferably organic liver, then just lightly cook it with onions and garlic, season with Tamari or Soy sauce and oregano. I mean lightly cook it. Very lightly, it must still be soft and just turning grey. Oh yes, and make sure that you cut it in small pieces. That is my favourite way to cook it. Well that is probably more than you ever wanted to know about liver, but still you should try it that way sometime.
Inspiration and ideas at night, exactly, I always think the clearest at night.
We had a very good Thanksgiving, so much to be thankful for too.
Our Internet went down yesterday morning, that is why it took me so long to post your comment. ISP seemed to have taken a vacation, lol.

Anonymous said...

You actually like liver now? I never thought I'd live to see the day when you would say that!

In Christ, Gretchen

Flame of Jah said...

I said I like liver, not love, lol, and also I am very particular about how I like it too.

Kristenea said...

Thanks for the new pictures and music. I like that!
God Bless you!

David Ronsick said...

Good grief, next you'll be telling me that you wear camel skins and baptize people! :D
What bugs do you eat, and how do you eat them???/

Flame of Jah said...

LOL, I have eaten crickets, grasshoppers, ants, aphids, caterpillars, and I am not sure what others that just rode in on food. I tried roasting a grasshopper over fire but I over did it and it was nasty, I just eat them raw now. Aphids go well with beans, caterpillars go well with cabbage leaves. Crickets could use a little garlic powder, don't let the ants bite on the way down. I intend to eat more bugs this year, there is still a mind aspect to get past, even though they do not taste bad, lol.

Dani Marie said...

Ok, I just have to say that's, uh, pretty gross. But good for you though! I just don't think I could ever make myself stomach a grasshopper, roasted or otherwise. The mere thought of their spiny legs and big beady eyes...Ugh. I'm the type of girl that either kills bugs, (if I can get up enough guts to squash them)or I get someone else to do it for me lol. But really, caterpillars and cabbage leaves~ seriously?!? Hahahaha, that's funny!

Anonymous said...

Hmm. One thing you didn't say is that you like your eggs overcooked.