Thursday, December 1, 2011


About a week ago we had a thunderstorm go through, during it, lightning struck a tree about forty yards away from the house, that was LOUD.  Here are pics of the tree, you can see the pieces of shattered bark hanging off of the twigs all over the place.  It was amazing examining the damage, just seeing how the would was just exploded apart.  These trees BTW, are extremely tough, their wood is so hard that it makes oak look soft just to put it in perspective.


Unknown said...

Wow! Did that effect anything on your farm besides the tree? Praise the Lord for tall, tough, trees that take the brunt of storms instead of our houses!

Flame of Jah said...

No, it didn't effect anything else. I still remember both times a tree about twenty feet from the house was hit by lightning. At night too, I am surprised I didn't hit the ceiling. One of those times we lost an entire PC, I mean everything, it killed the entire thing.

Dani Marie said...

Wow, I remember one time years ago when we had a horrible storm~ I mean drenching rain, high winds and plenty of lightning and thunder. The storm had been going for a while when the lightning struck right outside our house in the street. It was the brightest light I had ever seen, and the loudest rumble of thunder I'd ever heard. It was even louder than the explosion that unstable stick of dynamite made when they found it in a deserted neighbors' house, down the street. But that's another story.... Hahaha, yeah, we used to live in a pretty crazy neighborhood!

Unknown said...

Wow! I've never heard lightning that close before, but my grandpa and grandma had lightning hit their lightning rod on their house! Grandma said it was deafening and made her ears ring for a while. Praise the Lord for His protecting hand.