Tuesday, December 27, 2011


It seems but yesterday when this year began, how time flies.  This year has been so full, so much to keep us busy.  It is amazing, how, when you stay busy, time really goes so fast.  When I was child, I always thought that a year was a very long time, doesn't feel so anymore.  Remember the old saying, "Time flies when you are having fun."  It is true too, but, time is ever so much more of a blur when you are working hard.  Have you noticed this?
Well, I hope all of you have a wonderful blessed time, and I will see you next year, Lord willing,

God Bless,
                 Flame of Jah


Unknown said...

I agree! Yes! For instance, the summer always seems to be "too short" when we butcher and milk and garden. Now with a lot of household projects, studying, etc. the winter days seem so short!
"Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away." James 4:14 Every new year this verse becomes more and more understandable! Have a lovely rest of 2011 and a wonderful 2012, filled with more zeal than ever for the Lord and His truth!

Kristenea said...

Time is indeed passing very quickly. More and more I realize this truth: "our lives are but a vapor"...

Knowing this, I look forward to the coming year...and all the wonderful opportunities that it will afford to share God with others. The opportunities to lend a helping hand to a friend or even a stranger, to encourage one another and to love others with our words and acts of kindness. I think of the many opportunities to meet with God in prayer and in the studying of the Word, in sharing that powerful, transforming truth with family, friends and strangers.

Each day presents us with a whole new time frame with which to redeem for the Kingdom of God... how precious is that time we have upon this earth...Let us make the most of it!

God Bless you!


Beth at IAMRanch said...

I couldn't agree more! This past year especially has flown by. Makes me realize how little time I have to serve the Lord...am I using my time wisely each day?

I have enjoyed looking through your blog!

God bless!

Faith34 said...

Time does fly! Especially on a farm....But I enjoy it very much!! I actually like being busy, but I just wish I didn't have to get older.....

Flame of Jah said...

Hi Faith, how on earth did you find my blog? I am just curious. Have a great day.

Unknown said...

I've been moving my blog from tumblr to blogspot, and I'm remembering all my "new year" posts... and now I CAN'T believe that today is already the 11th! Time is flying by!

And I just remembered this post, when I thought that. haha :)

Thanks for following, by the way!

Dani Marie said...

Hello?!? Are you still alive Flame? Haha, just kidding. How's it going? :)