Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tagged by Jordanna

Rules of the game:

1. Post these rules.
2. Post 11 random things about yourself. (Though this can be optional.)
3. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you in their post.
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you ask to answer.
5. Go to their blog and let them know you've tagged them.  

Well, I was tagged by Jordanna.

About me:
Sorry I'm out of things...

Here are my questions:
  1. How many houses have you lived in?  Eight.
  2. Would you rather fly or drive?  Depends on the kind of flying.  As far as our airlines these days, I'll take driving all the way.  I'd fly myself any day.
  3. Science or Math?  Both.
  4. If you could choose one book, other than your Bible, to take with you anywhere, what would it be?  Book??? Book??  What an awful question Jordanna.  Probably my SAS survival guide.
  5. What do you think about keeping rats as pets?  Why would you do that?  Honestly I never thought of doing it, soo, well they are cat food right?  You don't keep cat food as pets do you?
  6. What is your favorite meal?  Anything special my Mother makes...
  7. Do you have a favorite era of history?  If so, what is it?  WWII
  8. Tea with the ladies or Shooting with the men?  Me with ladies?  Shooting all the way.
  9. Do you have a favorite section of Scripture?  The book of Revelation.
  10. Would you rather fix something or buy a new one?  Fix it, or die trying.  Not quite lol, but close...
  11. What is the next skill you plan on learning?  Hmm, I kinda learn as I go along, and often I really don't plan they just come up and need to be learned.  As far as one I plan for,  Flying?
Ok, I will skip the questions too, and I am just tagging Jordanna back.  Jordanna you needn't make a whole tag post I just want you to answer your own questions lol.

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