Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Princess Bride

Well this is my first movie review.  I think that this is the dumbest movie I ever watched.  Those who love this movie, You Have Been Warned.

Ok, lets get started. First off, the movie gives you the idea that love makes you stupid, (though, sometimes it didn't take love for them to be stupid,) it also gives you a glimpse into a really silly kinda love, the soppy emotional kind. Now, lets start with the princess. At the beginning after she is a princess she takes a ride, by herself, way out into the country and tells three rough looking guys there are no people around, Hello? You are a lone woman telling three guys you don't even know that you are alone? Ok, now for the man in black, he's looking for her, gets up the cliff face and proceeds to have a seat and chat with the guy he is going to be fighting with. They chat then they fight, he nearly kills the other guy then goes on. Now how dumb is that? You are looking for someone, in a hurry too, then you find a guy that has been put in your way to kill you and you chat with him like he is your friend. Of course chatting with someone you will likely kill in minute is pretty silly anyway.

Ok, the man in black finally gets the girl, and she shoves him down the hill and then, with all the sense in the world throws herself after him in a suicidal plunge.  What a stupid thing to do. Next, and my favorite part, the two are walking through the forest, totally infatuated with each other, when some large possum or rat attacks the guy. The brave girl comes to his rescue with a log, and is afraid to hurt the thing, she just makes it attack her, and that is how she helped. After that they fall in quick sand and come out looking perfect, and go on through the forest, not paying attention to anything but "love" and walk right into a trap. Really good. What does the man in black do now? He antagonizes his captors, and gets knocked out.

The girl is brought back to the castle and the man in black is tortured while his two former enemies come to rescue him. Why? Well, I don't know. He nearly killed these guys, and they want to rescue him. Anyway, they get him and get him revived then head to the castle. The girl is rushed through a partial marriage ceremony and then decides to kill herself. Now, what justification is there for killing yourself? None that I see. But she is going to, it is not only stupid it is wrong. She only stops when her love turns out to be there.  What is romantic about killing yourself because you couldn’t marry the guy you wanted to, and were forced to marry a creep. Rather than kill yourself you should focus on godly service to that man, and godly submission, so that maybe through your example, he might get saved. Even if he rejects the gospel, he will have to live with your example.

Now for the last guy, Mr. Revenge as my sister and I like to call him. Don’t know how to spell his name, so, anyway. Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, I will repay. That deals with that fella right there. He lived his whole life to get revenge on one man. What a waste. What else must I say? This character is a bad guy turned good, that really was a bad guy.

What is true love? True love is loving somebody that is difficult to deal with. True love is about loving unconditionally not expecting that love to be returned. True love is about sacrificing yourself for others, not just your life, but the little things too. Think of Christ, who sacrificed himself for us. He went through torture and the terrible death of the cross because he loved us. He did that for people that don't care about him, even for people that hate him. That is real love. Not some fake emotion that lasts for a fleeting moment then is gone. That love will last. How long do your emotions last?  What if you built your marriage on that? As soon as the emotion wears down it is all over. You wonder why the divorce rate is so high here in America? Because of examples set forth to people. Examples showing perfect people, (at least appearing so.) falling in love with each other, and everything being roses thereafter. But it is just an emotional love. Not real lasting love. When you want an example of love that lasts, think of Christ. He loved us in his life, and loved us to the point of death, and he still loves us, even when we reject him, hate him and spit in his face he loves us.


Dani Marie said...

Lol, good luck readin' that post! Did you preview it before you published it Flame? You should. :D

Flame of Jah said...

I did proof read this, lol, but, I will make an excuse, it was morning. I just did it a little bit ago and caught several mistakes, if you notice anything else please tell me. Thanks. Oh, Danielle are you having a problem with the text sometimes turning black on my blog?

Dani Marie said...

Oh I'm sorry! I wasn't meaning that there were any typos or mistakes~ I was having trouble reading it because the words were black. ;) But it looks like it's fixed now. :) Thanks Flame!
~Danielle Marie

Priscilla said...

I had to laugh through most of this:) I, personally think the movie is kinda funny and I enjoy watching it, but do think that all you said was very true:) Reading your preview has made me come to the conclusion that, yes, it is a rather stupid movie... but I might watch it again, anyway;)
You wondered why the enemies came to rescue the man in black...It was so that the man in black could help "Mr. Revenge" find the man he wanted to revenge.... You may remember that...

Flame of Jah said...

I haven't seen the movie in years, lol. So I am a little rusty on the details. Glad you liked my preview. Thanks for stopping in.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you ever read the book that this movie was based on, but the whole premise was that Westley (the man in black) and Princess Buttercup were in love from the time they were very young. Westley was a stable boy and Buttercup was supposed to have been the most beautiful woman in the world. The whole movie was about Westley's quest to make himself worthy of the love of this woman he had known since childhood, and to rescue her from marriage to the evil man with six fingers. I know that does not make it any more biblical, but it does make the movie make some sense and from your review I could not tell if you knew what the movie was supposed to be about.

Flame of Jah said...

No I haven't read the book, and it has been years since I saw the movie, so if it had any of that I don't remember it, thank you for bringing that up.


Flame of Jah

LoL just broke my own rule...